26-29 July 2024
Pragati Maidan, Delhi

Registration & Admission Policy


  • It is a B2B Exhibition, individuals below 18 years are not allowed during the show period.
  • Persons displaying COVID-19 symptoms should not attend. Persons displaying COVID-19 symptoms will be refused admission.
  • It is advisable to a person above 65 years / co-morbities / during pregnancy to not to attend the show.
  • Carry RPE face masks. Attendees without face masks will be refused admission.
  • We recommend to register yourself through the Pre-registration link to avoid standing in queues for on-spot registration.
  • Every attendee needs to fill “Self-Declaration of Health” before getting their entry badge. Please fill all the details as it is a mandatory process as per the guidelines by the Govt of India.
  • Every attendee needs to install the “Aarogya Setu App” with Status Green on their mobile.
  • Avoid handshakes and prefer for “Namaste” or contactless greetings.
  • Please make sure to keep a safe distance with others and not to crowd any area.
  • Carry a personal supply of hand sanitizer, tissues & wipes in & out of the event.
  • Keep up to date with public health advice for your location & that of the event. Take time to read health communications & updates from the Organizer.
  • Please carry payment cards as we have a ‘Card only’ payment policy.
  • The organizer reserve the right to frisk the badge holders at the entrances and exhibition venue for security reasons.
  • This badge must be worn and displayed prominently at all times during your stay at the exhibition site.
  •  Photography is strictly prohibited without prior written permission from the organizer.
  •  The organizer do not take responsibility for the loss or theft of any personal belongings.
  •  A person under the influence of alcohol or any illicit drugs will be refused to enter.
  •  The organizer reserves the right to admission.